For the rest of your life, be yourself and don't explain!

For the rest of your life, be yourself and don't explain!

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

living in this world,

there are people, there is right and wrong,

has mouth, there is talk.

No matter how kind you are, there are people who suspect that

No matter how well you do, there are people who are picky.

advice and comments cannot be avoided, and

gossip cannot be eliminated.

this is the reality.

those who trust you will not doubt you.

those who doubt you will not believe you.

those who care about you will not hurt you.

those who hurt you will not care about you.

in the eyes of people who hate you,

you are not good at everything and nothing.

in the eyes of those who criticize you,

you are full of faults.

in the eyes of those who plan you,

you are complex and vicious.

in the eyes of those who don't understand you,

you are hypocritical and hypocritical.

so, most of the time,

it's not that you don't do well enough,

but that others can't see your good.

it's not that you are unkind-hearted,

but that other people's intentions are too deep.

talking about you shows that you are excellent,

envies you, that you are outstanding,

will spread your gossip and

will put you in the midst of guidance and discussion.

people live in this society,

you should have a strong heart,

face the slander of others,

ignore other people's calculations,

let go of other people's opinions, and

look down on other people's malice.

otherwise, care too much,

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you will be physically and mentally exhausted because of these things.

be a man,

be yourself, you can be worthy of your heart, and

if you have good conduct, you can break gossip.

Don't expect others to understand you.

Don't expect people to trust you, let alone please people who don't like you.

what you should do is

Don't explain, don't argue,

give everything to time, and

time will give you the answer.

for the rest of my life,

face rumors, do not explain,

ignore comments, do not explain,

do a good job, do not explain.

you have to believe:

God will not hurt any good man by mistake, and he will not spare any bad guy.

you just have to be honest and honest, and

be a person of good character.

guidance and discussion, there is always a time to dissipate,

gossip, there must be a day of clarification!