In your whole life, there will always be someone to cross you.

In your whole life, there will always be someone to cross you.

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

Buddha said: "in this life, there are always people crossing you."

someone loves you and puts you first; someone hurts you and makes you aggrieved.

No matter what others do to you, they are crossing you. "

all the thoughts are caused, and what you receive at the moment is the result.

"crossing" is to meet, to experience, to accompany, to miss, to be warm and strong.

joys and sorrows, love and hatred.

whoever you meet is the right person in your life.

has a reason and a mission. It is no accident that this person will teach you something.


there is a story about someone crossing you and teaching you warmth and kindness.

an old monk dozed off in the temple. He seemed to be asleep, but he didn't seem to be asleep.

A pilgrim came in and wanted to talk to the old monk, but he saw the valuable antique vase in the temple.

he immediately "opened his eyes to money" and crept over, holding the vase and about to leave.

just when the pilgrim was ready to go out, the old monk suddenly said:

"donor, the vase can be taken away, but there are many steps on the road. Remember to watch your step and be careful to fall."

the pilgrim was so surprised that he came to his senses at a loss, put the vase back in place and left shamefully.

A few years later, the pilgrim made a fortune in business and specially offered a generous gift to the temple to thank the old monk.

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the old monk said, "I haven't done anything, so why should I be grateful?"

the pilgrim said, "if I had taken the vase, I would have become a thief and had a stain all my life."

will go the wrong way as a result. It was you who reminded me in time to drive out the evil thoughts in my heart. "

the old monk said, "I was just afraid that if you walked in a hurry on the road, you would fall down and didn't help you."

pilgrims were greatly moved when they heard this. They not only helped the old monk repair the temple, but also donated a lot of food to the surrounding villagers, becoming a great benevolent person praised and respected by the local people.

there is a saying in

there is a saying in the Book of morality:

there is a saying in the Book of morality:

the highest state of being a man is to cross others and yourself.

A person does not know how to be gentle to others until he has been treated gently.

in this world, there is no encounter for no reason, no cherish without fate.

you want to thank the people in your life who treat you well and help you.

Thank you for those who give you a hand when you are at a low ebb and guide you when you are confused.

it is these people who make up 1.1 drops of warmth in your life.

it is these warmth that keep you away from the haze and make you a kind, positive person.


someone will ferry you, give you lashing and being strong

the movie "Kyoto House" tells the story of Kanai Jiangdong, the heroine living in Tokyo, who suffered a low ebb after she resigned and went on a healing trip to Kyoto, where my uncle lives for a few days.

one day, my uncle asked Canai to repair a broken old dish, and the shopkeeper told Canai about the gold repair process of the utensils.

Golden repair, a traditional way of repairing works of art by using gold to restore damaged objects.

in the face of imperfections, it is a kind of "golden and beautiful" without concealment, no affectation, calm acceptance and meticulous repair.

the original incomplete part will not damage the charm of the object itself, but the cracks repaired by gold repair will have a lot of artistic bonus.

Canai, who heard this explanation, was suddenly relieved.

she freed herself from the frustration of losing her job and decided to face the unknown life more positively.

from a flawless artifact to a broken ground, and then reborn in the ruins of Nirvana, this is the life of an artifact.

Why not every ordinary person's life?

people always lust for beauty, and we hate those imperfections.

for example: failed exams, breakup lovers, disconnected friends, wasted time.

what's more, they indulge in injury and never recover from it.

do not realize that perfection can only be an ideal, not an existence.

there is no perfect life in this world, let alone a calm life.

as Tagore said, "only by going through hell can you have the power to create heaven."

there are some trials and unpleasantness in life, which actually come to ferry you.

they teach you to face your disappointments and accept imperfections;

they whip you to hold on to malicious laughter, heal the pain and start all over again.

fragments can be repaired with gold powder, and beautiful roses can bloom in the dust.

whether it is a gift or disaster, the haze dissipates and turns the incomplete into amazing, which is the best kind treatment for a person.


people first cross their own, cross their hearts first, if the sky does not cross, people need to cross on their own.

there is such a story about a young man who traveled across mountains and rivers to find Master Infinity with a heavy package on his back.

the moment he saw the master, he cried bitterly: "Master, I am in too much pain."Yes. My foot is worn out and my hand is hurt.

the journey made me so tired that I was not happy at all. "

Master Infinity pointed to his backpack and asked, "what is that?"