The three great wisdom of life: loss without anger, gain without arrogance, stillness without strife

The three great wisdom of life: loss without anger, gain without arrogance, stillness without strife

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

there is a saying in Zhuangzi: "observe the deficiency of profit, so you don't like it when you get it, and you don't worry about it when you lose it, and you know that it is impermanent."

understand that in the world, everything has its own surplus and deficiency, and therefore gains and losses depend on each other.

this is often the case in life. When we think we get it, we may be losing it. When we regret losing it, we may have got something else.

what you have gained without showing off your joy, and what you have lost without regret and sorrow, is indifferent and thorough.

people who are really wise know: loss without anger, gain without arrogance, stillness without striving.


lose without anger

Mencius says: "lost without resentment, poverty without pity."

Don't be sad when you are suffering; don't hold a grudge even if you are not appointed.

Argentine men's basketball player Manu Ginobili is the absolute main force in the national team, with excellent data and physical fitness, but he has been on the bench for the Spurs until he retires and is recognized as the "best sixth man".

as a substitute, it means losing the opportunity to charge in the field. But he is not angry, disappointed, did not give up, but chose to "enjoy" to become part of the team.

Manu Ginobili once said at the retirement ceremony:

"winning is not everything. I learned more and learned more from losing." No one is born to know everything. Experience will make you grow. "

he was willing to be a substitute and achieved his greatness.

sometimes, in the face of difficulties and disappointments, it is not the ability but the mentality that determines the next success or failure.

being angry at the loss of opportunity and glory, you will not be able to win recognition, but also lose your grace and pattern.

the National Day parade, Zhang Xiaojia, who can only serve as a "backup pilot", did not complain and guarded the sisters' smooth flight with the best technology.

the deaf Beethoven did not give up or give up his dream because he could not hear the voice, and tenaciously clasped his fingers on the sacred "Symphony of Destiny".

Chu Shijian, who suffered a major setback in his life at the age of 71, lost the scenery of that year, but chose to start a business for the second time when he was seeking medical treatment outside prison.

A person's life will always encounter frustration, dissatisfaction, and even misfortune and suffering. it is not worth it to be angry, depressed, and give up the pursuit and ideal because of these adversity.

Gatso said in "everything is the best arrangement"

"people are happy but tired of losing. In fact, it is not necessary to lose. It is not unacceptable to lose, let alone a terrible scourge. In many cases, to lose is to let go, in order to better hold."

people who are really good have the wisdom to see through and lose. Not to miss, not to be angry at injustice, not to repent for failure.


only by not being self-righteous and arrogant, can one achieve something and become the best of all.

on the contrary, it is easy to lose appreciation and trust, arouse resentment and even disaster.

Han Xin in the early Han Dynasty was highly valued by Liu Bang because of Xiao he's protection, and worshipped him as a general.

during the Chu-Han War, he gave full play to his outstanding military ability.

leading the army out of Chen Cang, fixing San Qin, capturing Wei, breaking the dynasty, destroying Zhao, falling Yan, and felling Qi, until the army of Chu was completely wiped out under the enemy, there was no defeat.

was praised by Xiao he as "the national scholar is unparalleled", Liu Bang also commented on him: "the battle must be won, the attack must be won."

but Han Xin could defeat countless enemy troops alone, but in the end he was defeated by his own arrogance.

Liu Bang once talked with Han Xin about the talents of the generals.

Liu Bang asked him, "like my talent, how many soldiers can I bring?"

Han Xin said: "the king can take 100, 000 troops."

Liu Bang said, "how much can you bring?"

Han Xin replied, "the more the better, the more the better."

arrogance is inadvertently exposed.

on leading troops to war, he looked down on Meng Tian and Bai Qi and called them "fools and fools". He laughed at Fan Kui, Lu Kui and other meritorious heroes, and as a result, he completely lost the prestige he had established in the army, and was finally lured and killed by Queen Lu.

as the old saying goes, "all things are born and exist, and they live for the sake of success."

A gentleman is not arrogant and does not honor his merits. If you have merit, you don't show off, you don't show off.

only in this way can we have an insight into the world, be fundamental, and understand clearly.

the person who is really good has the wisdom to hide his edge. Do not immerse yourself in merit, show off your achievements, or be proud of your glory.


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quiet but not contentious

Laozi said, "the upper good is like water, and the water is good but not disputed." The husband only does not argue, so there is no special. "

only if we don't fight or rob, can we be truly carefree and trouble-free.

writer Cai Lan talked about his own experience in his book "things in the World are expensive and enjoyable."

"I was in the mountains of India, and the native girl roasted chicken for me all day. I asked her if she had ever eaten fish. What did she say about fish? I drew one to show her, saying that you have never eaten fish. It's a pity. She replied, "I've never eaten fish. What's the pity?"

if you care about what you don't get, you miss it, and you don't care what it is.

loss is just a relative concept, because you want it or you can't get it.